There are a variety of reasons people suffer from chronic headaches, from food allergies to migraine issues. But, many chronic headaches are a pain in the neck…in other words they’re a sign of trouble in the neck and spine due to an injury or chronic muscle tension. Whether it’s whiplash or hunching over your computer all day, if your neck isn’t aligned right and moving easily you’ve got a problem. That ‘stiffness’ means the joints...
Can texting cause headaches?
While all that texting may keep you in immediate contact with your friends, co-workers and family, there could be a price to pay for all those updates. Aside from sore thumbs and potential carpel tunnel syndrome, you could be setting yourself up from chronic headaches. The common posture for today’s texter is hands held about waist level and your head bent down to read the screen. This creates a forced ‘forward head’ posture that...
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